Dec 22 2016 It seems like a no-brainer to leave the lights on outside your home to deter burglars while you’re away (or even while you’re asleep). But does that really work? Or is it just a waste of electricity — particularly...
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Nov 8 2016 Technology has made home alarms of all kinds — from security to smoke, radon to radiation — more accessible than ever. Many of them can be configured to work together, and some even alert you to trouble through...
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Nov 2 2016 It’s just rain — how much impact can it really have on your driving? The answer: a lot. You’re likely to experience lower visibility, reduced traction and increased difficulty in handling your car both during
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Nov 2 2016 Fall brings more than just changing leaves and shorter days. In many areas, it also comes with a shift in weather conditions that can have a serious impact on your home. And, don’t forget, winter is right around...
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Nov 2 2016 It seems everyone these days has a smartphone. Or a smart TV, a tablet, or an ebook reader. Or all of the above – and more. When you add it all up, you may find you have thousands and thousands of dollars tied up...
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Nov 2 2016 It's become almost as much a part of Thanksgiving as turkey and football: Black Friday, the morning-after (or in some cases evening-after) shopping spree. It's the biggest shopping day of the year, an event in its...
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Sep 6 2016 Have you ever noticed that, with roadway anger, it’s always the other guy’s fault? And, it very well could be. The thing is, you can’t control how other people drive. But, you can control how you respond to...
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Aug 5 2016 When the sun is out and the weather’s warm, people flock to the water - whether it’s the beach, a lake, a river or a backyard pool. But, wherever there’s water, there’s also danger. According to the U.S. Centers...
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Jun 3 2016 There are plenty of great reasons to bike to work: Commuters who ride save money on gas and car insurance, stay fit and help the environment (they don’t get stuck in traffic, either). And they even have fun — as...
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Jun 3 2016 Spring is here, and you’re ready to get out on the water. But is your boat ready? Even if you’ve kept it properly stored for the winter and protected from the elements, there are still a number of things you need...
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Jun 3 2016 It's back-to-school time, and, if you have school-age children, your household is likely bustling with activity and filling up with books and backpacks. There are other households and school districts in your...
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Jun 3 2016 Two thirds of households in America have air conditioners, according to the U.S. Department of Energy — and they spend a total of $11 billion each year running them. Our guess is that most of those households (...
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Jun 3 2016 Memorial Day might be the unofficial start of summer, but Independence Day is when the season truly kicks into high gear. July 4 is a holiday that has something for everyone, whether you like to host (or attend)...
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Jun 3 2016 About 2 million times every year, animals and cars collide on U.S. roadways — often causing serious and even fatal injuries to drivers and passengers, along with about $1 billion in damage, according to the U.S....
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Jun 3 2016 A fire is a fire, and a fire extinguisher is a fire extinguisher, right? Well, not quite. There are actually different types of fires and different types of extinguishers that respond best to each one. So, which is...
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Jun 3 2016 Spring has arrived, which means it’s time to clean the cobwebs out of the corners, organize the closets and so forth. While you’re at it, don’t forget to revisit the important documents and other items you have in...
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Feb 8 2016 Freezing temperatures, gusts of wind, patches of ice – winter can be a horrible time to be on the road, especially if you’re on vacation and aren’t used to driving in winter conditions. And, it’s an even worse time...
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